Sunday, March 11, 2012


3月11日14点46分是1年前日本发生大地震的时刻。周日,日本全国为1年前在特大自然灾害中死去的遇难者举行一分钟默哀和祈祷仪式。2011年3月 11日日本东北部海域发生强震和引发海啸后,约16000人丧生,近3300人至今仍下落不明。随后福岛核电站发生的核泄漏,也是自切尔诺贝利核事故以来 最严重的一次核灾难。

Japan's Emperor Akihito (2nd R) and Empress Michiko (2nd L) are escorted by Reconstruction in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake, State for Disaster Management Minister Tatsuo Hirano (R) upon their arrival to attend a memorial ceremony marking the first anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands and set off a nuclear crisis, at the National Theatre in Tokyo March 11, 2012. Emperor Akihito offered his condolences in his first official appearance since coronary bypass surgery last month. With a moment of silence, prayers and anti-nuclear rallies, Japan marked on Sunday one year since an earthquake and tsunami killed thousands and set off a radiation crisis that shattered public trust in atomic power and the nation's leaders. REUTERS/Issei Kato (JAPAN - Tags: ANNIVERSARY DISASTER ROYALS) 明仁天皇夫妇前往悼念
约1200人出席了在东京国家剧院举行的悼念仪式。日本首相野田佳彥向受害者表示了沉痛的哀悼。他说,"我承诺,我们将继续尽一切努力重建灾区。" 明仁天皇、妻子美智子及部分受害者家属共同出席了纪念活动。数天前,这位78岁的天皇刚刚进行完心脏手术。他在发表简短讲话时表示,核电站周围必须恢复至 可居住状态。天皇说:"这场灾难不会在我们的记忆中退色、我们将重视灾难保护,并努力使这个国家成为更安全的居住地。"

People take part in a moment of silence at 2:46p.m. (0546 GMT) during a ceremony at an area damaged by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, March 11, 2012, to mark the first anniversary of the disaster that killed thousands and set off a nuclear crisis. REUTERS/Carlos Barria (JAPAN - Tags: DISASTER ANNIVERSARY) 举行悼念的日本民众
来源:德新社、德国国际通讯社/DW TV 综合报道:严严

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