Thursday, March 31, 2011


New Nuclear Rule Offers Glimpse of Future


By Nick Hodge | Thursday, September 2nd, 2010


Some serious questions are starting to be asked as the nation prepares to build its first nuclear plant in decades.


The answer to these questions, as you'll soon learn, will be worth a fortune to on-point investors.


It's like this...


Of the 104 nuclear reactors in the United States, no two are the same. In fact a recent AP report said “experts blame for causing construction and regulatory delays and leading to bigger bills for power customers.”


And now that a nuclear rebirth is upon us, industry executives want to make sure they're not repeating past mistakes.


Baking nuclear cookies


The key, according to nuclear thought leaders, is reactor pre-approval.


The idea is to have the government pre-approve several reactor designs, and then let companies choose from the list.


Knowing which reactors are on the list will be a key tool in earning easy nuclear profits once new projects are approved.


To some extent, we're already seeing this play out...


Thanks to an $8 billion loan guarantee from Obama, Southern Company (NYSE: SO) is about to build the country's first new nuclear plant since before my dad graduated high school. And instead of custom-building the reactor, the developer is going to use one of five designs under review by the Nuclear Regulator Commission.


Southern has chosen Westinghouse Electric Co.'s AP1000 reactor, but it could've also chosen: GE (NYSE: GE) / Hitachi's (NYSE: HIT) ABWR or ESBWR; Areva's (PARIS: CEI) EPR; or Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' US-APWR

南方公司选择了西屋电气公司的AP1000反应堆,但它可能也选择:通用电气公司(纽约证券交易所代码:GE)/日立公司(纽约证券交易所代码:HIT)的先进沸水堆ABWR或ESBWR; 阿海珐公司(巴黎证券交易所代码:CEI)的EPR;或三菱重工的US-APWR。

This new approach is helping to make nuclear energy cheaper. Instead of paying hundreds of millions of dollars to design each plant, that money can be spent just once.


And the cost savings don't end there...


New plants, for the most part, will be prefabricated.


Instead of assembling the plant piece-by-piece onsite, the AP1000 would be delivered in 300 preassembled sections — allowing for better, quicker, and cheaper assembly.


It's the same technique Ford applied to revolutionize how cars were made. And it must work, because it's pretty widely adopted.


Next-next generation


Going long GE, Areva, Hitachi, and Toshiba (the parent company of Westinghouse) is probably a good nuclear strategy.


We already know that their reactors are on the short list for this new pre-approval process.


But there's one more reactor design that may make the cut... It's called the APR-1400, and it's being built by the Koreans.

但此外还有一种反应堆的设计可能从此名单中去除...。它被称为APR- 1400,由韩国建造。

Featuring built-in shields against missile attacks and elaborate safeguards against earthquake damage, I'm dubbing this design the next-next generation nuclear reactor.


It was good enough to beat out all the competitors mentioned above in a recent bidding process in the United Arab Emirates.


The UAE didn't go with Areva, GE, or Westinghouse. For the reasons I just mentioned, it awarded a $20 billion contract to the Koreans.


It just so happens, I've discovered a small company that's trying to import these reactors to the United States. It's a microcap right now, trading for less than $0.75. But it won't stay that way once it solidifies this deal with the Koreans...


The profit opportunity here is so unique and urgent that I've put together a full video report on what I've found.


Today is the first day we've released it, so there's still time to learn about this potential 100-times-your money play before the video starts making rounds on the Web.


As a nuclear renaissance unfolds around the globe, orders for Westinghouse's AP1000 reactor have propelled Toshiba much higher.


And we're still in the early stages of this revival. Ground hasn't even been broken in the U.S. for new plants yet.


That means there's still time to get ahead of the nuclear profit chain reaction about to go down.


And I've dug up a list of pending applications, complete with the type of reactor to be used...


Since the middle of 2007, 16 applications have been filed to build nuclear plants with a total of 24 units. All these applications have been approved.


Here's how those orders break down: Westinghouse AP1000 - 12 Units;Areva EPR - 4 Units;GE (ESBWR & ABWR) - 6 Units;Mitsubishi Heavy Industry US-APWR - 2 Units.

以下是这些订单的具体勤恳:西屋的AP1000 – 12台;阿海珐的EPR – 4台;通用电气公司(ESBWR及先进沸水堆) - 6台;三菱重工美APWR – 2台

With two times more orders than its nearest competitor in the U.S., it's not surprising that Toshiba's share value has nearly doubled in the past year.


I'd still be buying at this level, given the amount of proposed reactors popping up all over the globe.

One major player isn't listed at all in the table above.


They're already providing reactors in other countries, and my research shows they'll soon be importing reactors to the U.S.


The company is Korea Electric Power (NYSE: KEP). This is the same firm that recently won an order worth $40 billion from the United Arab Emirates.

Under that contract, KEP will get $20 billion to build four reactors and obtain an additional $20 billion to operate them for 60 years.


The stock has been on a tear. And it's not finished yet:


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