1)Can an earthquake and tsunami as large as happened in Japan also happen here?
This earthquake occurred on a “subduction zone”, which is the type of tectonic region that produces earthquakes of the largest magnitude.
A subduction zone is a tectonic plate boundary where one tectonic plate is pushed under another plate.
Subduction zone earthquakes are also required to produce the kind of massive tsunami seen in Japan.
In the continental US, the only subduction zone is the Cascadia subduction zone which lies off the coast of northern California, Oregon and Washington.
So, a continental earthquake and tsunami as large as in Japan could only happen there.
The only nuclear plant near the Cascadia subduction zone is the Columbia Generating Station.
This plant is located a large distance from the coast (approximately 225 miles) and the subduction zone (approximately 300 miles),
so the ground motions estimated at the plant are far lower than those seen at the Fukushima plants.
This distance also precludes the possibility of a tsunami affecting the plant.
Outside of the Cascadia subduction zone, earthquakes are not expected to exceed a magnitude of approximatly 8.
Magnitude is measured on a log scale and so a magnitude 9 earthquake is approximately 32 times larger than a magnitude 8 earthquake.
震级是以对数关系来衡量的, 9级地震大于比8级地震大约32倍。
2) Did the Japanese underestimate the size of the maximum credible earthquake and tsunami that could affect the plants?
The magnitude of the earthquake was somewhat greater than was expected for that part of the subduction zone.
However, the Japanese nuclear plants were recently reassessed using ground motion levels similar to those that are believed to have occurred at the sites.
The ground motions against which the Japanese nuclear plants were reviewed were expected to result from earthquakes that were smaller, but were much closer to the sites.
The NRC does not currently have information on the maximum tsunami height that was expected at the sites.
3) How high was the tsunami at the Fukushima nuclear plants?
The tsunami modeling team at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Lab have estimated the wave height just offshore to be approximately 8 meters in height at Fukushima Daiichi and approximately 7 meters in Fukushima Daini.
This is based on recordings from NOAA's Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) buoys and a high resolution numerical model developed for the tsunami warning system.
If plant recordings exist they were not yet provided to the NRC.
4) Was the damage to the Japanese nuclear plants mostly from the earthquake or the tsunami?
Because this event happened in Japan, it is hard for NRC staff to make the assessment necessary to understand exactly what happened at this time.
In the nuclear plants there may have been some damage from the shaking, and the earthquake caused the loss of offsite power.
However, the tsunami appears to have played a key role in the loss of other power sources at the site producing station blackout, which is a critical factor in the ongoing problems.
5) Have any lessons for US nuclear plants been identified?
The NRC is in the process of following and reviewing the event in real time.
This will undoubtedly lead to the identification of issues that warrant further study.
However, a complete understanding of lessons learned will require more information than is currently available to NRC staff.
6) Was there any damage to US reactors from either the earthquake or the resulting tsunami?
7) How many US reactors are located in active earthquake zones?
Although we often think of the US as having “active” and “non-active” earthquake zones, earthquakes can actually happen almost anywhere.
Seismologists typically separate the US into low, moderate, and high seismicity zones.
The NRC requires that every nuclear plant be designed for site-specific ground motions that are appropriate for their locations.
In addition, the NRC has specified a minimum ground motion level to which nuclear plants must be designed.
8) What level of earthquake hazard are the US reactors designed for?
Each reactor is designed for a different ground motion that is determined on a site-specific basis.
The existing nuclear plants were designed on a “deterministic” or “scenario earthquake” basis that accounted for the largest earthquakes expected in the area around the plant, without consideration of the likelihood of the earthquakes considered.
现有的核电厂均是按照“确定论地震”或“设定地震(scenario earthquake)”基准来设计的,即考虑预期在电厂周围地区会发生的最大地震,而未考虑所设定地震的可能性。
New reactors are designed using probabilistic techniques that characterize both the ground motion levels and uncertainty at the proposed site.
These probabilistic techniques account for the ground motions that may result from all potential seismic sources in the region around the site.
Technically speaking, this is the ground motion with an annual frequency of occurrence of 1x10-4/year, but this can be thought of / as the ground motion that occurs every 10,000 years on average.
One important aspect is that probabilistic hazard and risk-assessment techniques account for beyond-design basis events.
NRC's Generic Issue 199 (GI-199) project is using the latest probabilistic techniques used for new nuclear plants to review the safety of the existing plants.[see questions 16 to 21 for more information about GI-199]
9) What magnitude earthquake are currently operating US nuclear plants designed to?
Ground motion is a function of both the magnitude of an earthquake and the distance from the fault to the site.
Nuclear plants, and in fact all engineered structures, are actually designed based on ground motion levels, not earthquake magnitudes.
The existing nuclear plants were designed based on a “deterministic” or “scenario earthquake” basis that accounted for the largest earthquakes expected in the area around the plant.
现有的核电厂按照“确定论地震”或“设定地震(scenario earthquake)”基准来设计的,即考虑预期在电厂周围地区会发生的最大地震。
A margin is further added to the predicted ground motions to provide added robustness.
10) Have events in Japan changed our perception of earthquake risk to the nuclear plants in the US?
The NRC continues to determine that US nuclear plants are safe.
This does not change the NRC's perception of earthquake hazard (ie, ground motion levels) at US nuclear plants.
It is too early to tell what the lessons from this earthquake are.
The NRC will look closely at all aspects of response of the plants to the earthquake and tsunami to determine if any actions need to be taken in US nuclear plants and if any changes are necessary to NRC regulations.
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