Thursday, March 31, 2011



11) Can significant damage to a nuclear plant like we see in Japan happen in the US due to an earthquake?


Are the Japanese nuclear plants similar to US nuclear plants?


All US nuclear plants are built to withstand environmental hazards, including earthquakes and tsunamis.


Even those nuclear plants that are located within areas with low and moderate seismic activity are designed for safety in the event of such a natural disaster.


The NRC requires that NRC safety-significant structures, systems, and components be designed to take into account even rare and extreme seismic and tsunami events.


In addition to the design of the plants, significant effort goes into emergency response planning and accident management.


This approach is called defense-in-depth.


The Japanese facilities are similar in design to some US facilities.


However, the NRC has required modifications to the plants since they were built, including design changes to control hydrogen and pressure in the containment.


The NRC has also required plants to have additional equipment and measures to mitigate damage stemming from large fires and explosions from a beyond-design-basis event.


The measures include providing core and spent fuel pool cooling and an additional means to power other equipment on site.


12) What is the likelihood of the design basis or “SSE” ground motions being exceeded over the life of a nuclear plant?


The ground motions that are used as seismic design bases at US nuclear plants are called the Safe Shutdown Earthquake ground motion (SSE).


In the mid to late 1990s, the NRC staff reviewed the potential for ground motions beyond the design basis as part of the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE).


From this review, the staff determined that seismic designs of operating nuclear plants in the US have adequate safety margins for withstanding earthquakes.


Currently, the NRC is in the process of conducting GI-199 to again assess the resistance of US nuclear plants to earthquakes.


Based on NRC's preliminary analyses to date, the mean probability of ground motions exceeding the SSE over the life of the plant for the plants in the Central and Eastern United States is less than about 1%.


It is important to remember that structures, systems and components are required to have “adequate margin,” meaning that they must continue be able withstand shaking levels that are above the plant's design basis.


13) Which reactors are along coastal areas that could be affected by a tsunami?


Many nuclear plants are located in coastal areas that could potentially be affected by a tsunami.


Two nuclear plants, Diablo Canyon and San Onofre, are on the Pacific Coast, which is known to have a tsunami hazard.

Diablo Canyon核电厂和San Onofre核电厂等位于太平洋沿岸的2座核电厂,而太平洋沿岸有可能会受到海啸的危害。

Two nuclear plants on the Gulf Coast, South Texas and Crystal River, could also be affected by tsunami.

有即South Texas核电厂和Crystal River核电厂等位于墨西哥湾的2个核电厂,也有可能受到海啸危害。

There are many nuclear plants on the Atlantic Coast or on rivers that may be affected by a tidal bore resulting from a tsunami.These include St. Lucie, Turkey Point, Brunswick, Oyster Creek, Millstone, Pilgrim, Seabrook, Calvert Cliffs, Salem/Hope Creek, and Surry.

在大西洋沿岸或河流沿岸有许多核电厂,它们可能受到海啸引起的涌潮影响。这些核电厂包括St. Lucie核电厂、Turkey Point核电厂、Brunswick核电厂、Oyster Creek核电厂、Millstone核电厂、Pilgrim核电厂、Seabrook核电厂、Calvert Cliffs核电厂、Salem/Hope Creek核电厂和Surry核电厂。

Tsunami on the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts occur, but are very rare.


Generally the flooding anticipated from hurricane storm surge exceeds the flooding expected from a tsunami for nuclear plants on the Atlantic and Gulf Coast.


Regardless, all nuclear plants are designed to withstand a tsunami.


14) What is magnitude anyway? What is the Richter Scale?

What is intensity?


15) How do magnitude and ground motion relate to each other?


The ground motion experienced at a particular location is a function of the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance from the fault to the location of interest, and other elements such as the geologic materials through which the waves pass.


16) What is Generic Issue 199 about?


GI-199 investigates the safety and risk implications of updated earthquake-related data and models.


These data and models suggest that the probability for earthquake ground motion above the seismic design basis for some nuclear plants in the Central and Eastern United States, although is still low, is larger than previous estimates.


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